Monday, February 2, 2009

North of Beautiful: Booklist Starred Review!

Really. I feel like I'm in a shock akin to inhaling 900 pounds of chocolate. At once. Without stopping. And now I'm reeling and shaking.

This just in from Booklist:
(**visualize a cute little star right here**) Headley has written an exquisite book that explores the difference between physical and true beauty...She uses Terra's artistic medium, collage, as a literary device to create layer upon layer of experiences and insights into a finely crafted, artfully written journey of self-discovery, self actualization, and love. With every carefully chosen word, well-crafted sentence, and fully developed character, Headley maps out a wholly satsifying reading experience that takes readers from terra nullis to terra firma.

Thanks to my editor, Alvina Ling, for calling me personally with the news. Love that woman.

1 comment:

  1. Take a look. (This is at my wordpress.)

