Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Book Chic: An Author's Best Friend

Thanks to all my readers and friends--my book paparrazzi--who've been messaging me with sightings of my books in their local bookstores.

For instance, Book Chic went around his town to take pix of his favorite authors' books (and to remerchandise some to face out positions). Love that! He found NORTH OF BEAUTIFUL and GIRL OVERBOARD at Barnes & Noble.


And then there's Melissa Walker, readergirlz diva and co-founder of iheartdaily.com who's been on the book look out for me.

1 comment:

  1. Aw, thanks for the kind words!!

    By the way, I took another photo of North of Beautiful, which was in my local store! And I'll be taking some more photos today when I go back to the bookstore where the Ann Brashares signing I went to last night was. It was all set up right near the YA section, so it was hard to get pics taken cuz stuff was in the way.
