Tuesday, February 10, 2009

North of Beautiful Blog Stop: Mythbuster Beauty

I have a thing for lipstick. I really do. Possibly it has something to do with the gorgeous colors. But I suspect it has more to do with the wonderful, whimsical color names: Apocalypse, Hotpants, Buzzkill, Gash. (Those are all Urban Decay, which is itself a fantastic product name.)

Put on lipstick, put on attitude. So it is severely bumming me out that I am down to two (count them, TWO) tubes of lipstick. (That's what happens when you move to two counties in three months: excessive, regretful purging.) As Paula Yoo so aptly proposed when the two of us were having a convergence of BAD DAY blahs: "I'm going out to buy lipstick."

So join me today as the guest blogger at Mythbuster Beauty, the source of all things hip and beautiful. Plus--for the bargain shoppers out there--they always have the scoopola on great deals. Which I love since it means more money to buy books. Ha!

Today I am grateful for small indulgences that boost a woman's spirit. Hmmmm...perhaps I need to record an addendum to my video essay for my Find Beauty Challenge: Ode to LipStick.


  1. I don't own any makeup. Just Blistex or Carmex for chapped lips. I only wear any makeup when I'm on stage or in front of a camera and someone tells me I have to wear it.

  2. How fabulous Justina!

    May I suggest a few of my favorite lip indulgences?

    Without a doubt, Lancôme makes a top notch lipstick. I am looking forward to trying their newest spring shade, Pink Irreverence!

    Best wishes Justina and big hearts for your wonderful book, "North of Beautiful."
