Friday, February 27, 2009
North of Beautiful: Geocache-o-rama #5
So in today's cache--Beauty: One Etsy Step at a Time--I take you to one of my favorite sources of inspiration. And to one of my favorite jewelers of all who created readergirlz pendents for my divas divine as well as Girl Overboard necklaces for my editors.
How to play:
1. Visit the coordinates listed below.
2. Find the answer to the question, also below.
3. Drop a comment on this blog with the answer, your name, and your email.
4. Winner receives...a mystery cache of galleys! Woo hoo!
Inspiration comes on wings for her.
What is the working name of this artist AND can you tell which YA novel she luuuuurves?
Thursday, February 26, 2009
North of Beautiful: Geocache-o-rama #4
Come play with me!
1. Visit the coordinates below.
2. Answer the question by commenting on this blog. Include your name and email address.
3. I'll choose a winner randomly who shall of the last limited edition North of Beautiful geocaching tins! Woo hoo!'s virtual cache, SHAPING BEAUTY and I'm not talking about Spanx, takes you to one of the most beautiful, powerful, and empowering women on the web. I absolutely love how this woman advocates for us to use the power of media to make positive change.
What is the name of the organization and who is its incredible executive director?
Wednesday, February 25, 2009
North of Beautiful: Geocache-o-rama #3
Welcome to Day 3 of the North of Beautiful Geocache-o-rama--your virtual treasure hunt for True Beauty on the web. Today's cache: Divas Divine. (Oh, the photo is there just to throw you off.)
Play with me!
1. Visit the coordinates.
2. Figure out the Answer!
3. Drop me a comment here with the Answers, your name, and your email.
4. Winner today wins a SIGNED copy of North of Beautiful. Woo hoo!
a. Which Diva is no shrinking violet when it comes to fashion?
b. Which Diva also created readertotz?
c. Which Diva has Brimstone running in her writerly veins?
d. Which Diva won the Mythopoeic Award for Fantasy--alongside Tamora Pierce? (
Tuesday, February 24, 2009
North of Beautiful: Geocache-o-rama #2

Welcome to Day 2 of the North of Beautiful Geocache-o-Rama! Today's virtual cache? BEZAZZLED BEAUTY!
How do you play?
- Visit the link that I provide below.
- Read the clue(s).
- Drop me a comment here with the Answer plus your name and email.
- A lucky winner will be chosen at random.
- Limited edition readergirlz buttons today!
What does beauty mean to you?
What is the name of the videographer who created the FIRST (and awesome) entry to the
Geocache-o-rama Day 1: WINNER!

The Question:
What is the name of the winning movie for Best Short Documentary?
Drum roll, please.
The Correct Answer:
Smile Pinki!
Monday, February 23, 2009
North of Beautiful: Geocache-o-rama #1
So to celebrate, I'm hosting a week of virtual geocaching with fun prizes of mucho fabulosity! Think of geocaching as high tech treasure hunting. Armed with a GPS device and coordinates, you hunt for thousands of stashed treasure boxes around the world. Hmmmm...aren't you curious what my North of Beautiful geocache tins contain?

So. This week we'll try high tech treasure hunting with clues I'll give to you--sending you to places that I think are Truly Beautiful. Post your comment with your answer and your email address, and I will randomly select a winner of the above geocache tin.
The North of Beautiful Geocache-o-rama #1: Beauty is in the Eye of the Beholder
In my book, Jacob had a cleft lip--a condition that can be fixed with a relatively simple surgery. I find it truly beautiful that the winner of this year's Oscar for Best Short Documentary is about this very condition.
What is the name of the winning movie for Best Short Documentary?
Today, I'm thankful for readers--whether book buyers or library patrons or both!
Sunday, February 22, 2009
The North of Beautiful Geocache-o-rama!

I realize that for most people, hauling out to the incredible North of Beautiful geocache that Dia Calhoun created and placed in the Methow Valley (central Washington state) is almost as impossible as hauling up to Mt. Everest. As well, I recognize that most people do not have a GPS device of their own. (Although I must say that my Garmin GPS is my accessory of choice.)
This week, I will present the North of Beautiful virtual geocache-o-rama. I will be giving away fun prizes of much fabulosity. Check back here for more details!
Friday, February 20, 2009
Poetry Friday: Captive
North of Beautiful: The Official Geocache!

They spirited me to Dia's favorite fishing hole...where Dia presented me with the official North of Beautiful geocache! Not only did she create a cache--stuffing it with keepsakes and symbols from my book, but she had scoped out a site for the cache, too.

We were giggling as we took the coordinates... N 48° 08.290 W 120° 01.022.

Your mission: Go to the Methow Valley. You won't be sorry. And now can you find the cache?

Today I am grateful for friends who know my heart.
Thursday, February 19, 2009
Operation Teen Book Drop
Last year, my online book community, readergirlz, worked with 21 publishers to drop 10,000 FREE books into Children's Hospitals around the country. (Thank you, publishers!) We're psyched for a repeat performance. Check out the video below and get ready to Rock the Drop with us!
North of Beautiful: Tour de Auburn

Meeting people--whether librarians or readers or booksellers--has got to be one of the best perks of being an author for teens. My tour schedule this year is more limited than my previous years, which made my first foray out so special. The teens in the library were especially prepared with excellent questions about North of Beautiful and my writing process.

Today, I'm thankful for librarians who think teens can benefit from authors visiting their schools and libraries.
Wednesday, February 18, 2009
Valentine's Everyday!

Today I am grateful for friends and family who have made me see that everyday is Valentine's Day.
By the way, NARS Flamenco? The lip shade rocks! Highly recommended.
Sunday, February 15, 2009
Inside North of Beautiful: Confluence Gallery

While the description of the Nest & Egg gallery in my book is fabricated from my own imagination--and the kind of studio space where I personally would love to collage, the spirit of the gallery is pure Confluence.
Confluence Gallery
104 Glover Street
Twisp, WA
Friday, February 13, 2009
North of Beautiful Blog Stop: Stephanie's Confessions of a Bookaholic
Rounding out these last two weeks o' fun with bloggers, I'm headed over to Stephanie's Book Blog. So join me over there today!
A special thanks to Sara Easterly for spearheading this week's blog tour and to Mitali Perkins for managing last week's tour.
Poetry Friday: Winter Scene
Thursday, February 12, 2009
The Official Rite of Passage Book List for Guys
The Go-To authors of choice for new teen guys? M.T. Anderson and Chris Crutcher. I can't wait to introduce my new teen to them.
Here it is, The Official Rite of Passage Book List for Guys:
Be More Chill
Lord of the Flies
A Separate Peace
Catcher in the Rye
Staying Fat for Sarah Bynes
Standard Hero Behavior
Going Nowhere Faster
The Chocolate War
Speak / Inexcusable
Looking for Alaska
Call it Courage
The Absolutely True Diary of a Part-Time Indian
Knights of the Hill Country
Whale Talk
The Knife of Letting Go
Jeremy Fink and the Meaning of Life
I am the Cheese
David Copperfield
Succeeding against the odds
Fullmetal Alchemist
Samurai Shortstop
Sleeping Freshmen Never Lie
Viking Warrior
Something Happened
Wednesday, February 11, 2009
North of Beautiful Blog Stop: Mother Daughter Book Club
When I was invited to be interviewed for Mother Daughter Book Club, I couldn't believe it. I've been a fan of Cindy Hudson's for a looong time. Her mission to encourage moms and daughters to read together inspires me. And it's something I'd love readergirlz to figure out: how to get teen girls and their moms to read YA together. Talk about opening communication!
One of my personal goals is to restart the mother-son-daughter book club that I began with another friend 2 years ago. Coordinating schedules has been the biggest challenge. If you have any suggestions on that front, let me know!
Today I'm grateful for visionary mothers like Cindy.
Tuesday, February 10, 2009
Rite of Passage: Books
FAT KID RULES THE WORLD by K.L. Going! (I've been dying to have my son read one of my favorite books of all time. At last! I feel that he's old enough! This is present to myself, really.)
DIARY OF A PART-TIME INDIAN by Sherman Alexie! (Ditto!)
What other books should be part of his rite of passage to mark his move from boyhood to manhood?
North of Beautiful Blog Stop: Mythbuster Beauty
Put on lipstick, put on attitude. So it is severely bumming me out that I am down to two (count them, TWO) tubes of lipstick. (That's what happens when you move to two counties in three months: excessive, regretful purging.) As Paula Yoo so aptly proposed when the two of us were having a convergence of BAD DAY blahs: "I'm going out to buy lipstick."
So join me today as the guest blogger at Mythbuster Beauty, the source of all things hip and beautiful. Plus--for the bargain shoppers out there--they always have the scoopola on great deals. Which I love since it means more money to buy books. Ha!
Today I am grateful for small indulgences that boost a woman's spirit. Hmmmm...perhaps I need to record an addendum to my video essay for my Find Beauty Challenge: Ode to LipStick.
Monday, February 9, 2009
Climbing Walls: Rite of Passage
So as my son's 13th birthday approached, I'd been brainstorming about creating our own rite of passage to demarcate the end of his official childhood and the beginning of his manhood. As the Big Day neared, I had a few other personal things I needed to attend to and I was coming up empty on ideas. My friend, Lorie Ann, however, gave me a serious tushy kicking about my son's rite of passage. I'm so glad she did!
So...I challenged my guy to face his fear of heights and booked us for a lesson at our local climbing gym, Vertical World (which is where I researched part of Nothing but the Truth and a few white lies). There, he mustered his courage and scaled FIVE walls (count 'em, FIVE) as if he had been born in the Himalayas! Bhutan Boy, that's my little man!

Which, of course, inspired me to get in my harness. As it did my daughter. But what got me to the tippy top of the most challenging wall of the night? My kids down below who promised, "Mom, we'll do the laundry next week if you reach the top!"

Heh heh. Now, that's what I call inspiration. Fear conquered! The laundry fairies are visiting Chez Headley this week. Woo hoo!
Today, I give thanks to my kids--my young man and little girl--who think I'm weird but are up for my ideas anyway.
North of Beautiful: Bluestocking Society
Join me today on Jessica's blog, The Bluestocking Society, where I'm the guest blogger on Beauty. Any woman who counts Powell's Books as one of her happiest places on earth is a friend of mine. (Stay tuned: Powell's interviewed me for their website.)
Here's my favorite quote from Jessica's review of North of Beautiful:
"I could write a term paper on the layers of this theme in this book. North of Beautiful reminded me, in many ways, of a John Green novel - smart teenagers stumbling through situations and eventually getting their legs beneath them - from a girl’s perspective."
Now that is high praise.
Today I am thankful for book lovers who take the time to share their love of books with others. (Go, Jessica!)
Sunday, February 8, 2009
North of Beautiful: Beauty + Book Blog Tour!
North of Beautiful celebrates true beauty, and in honor of that, my good friend Sara Easterly has organized a Beauty + Book Blog Tour. So please drop in on the blogs and celebrate what makes YOU uniquely beautiful. While you're at it, upload your video essay on True Beauty at!
Monday, February 9: The Bluestocking Society
Tuesday, February 10: Mythbuster Beauty
Wednesday, February 11:
Friday, February 13: Stephanie's BooksSee you this week!
(Today I am grateful for all the beauty that surrounds me.)
Saturday, February 7, 2009
Giving Thanks: A Week In Review
As earth stirs in her winter sleep
And puts out grass and flowers
Despite the snow,
Despite the falling snow.
--Robert Graves
Look. There's hope.
--Lorie Ann Grover
Despite the snow, the falling snow that's been upheaving my life, there's so much hope and so much to be thankful for. Here, then, are the grass and flowers that earth has given me so plentifully:
1. Holly Cupala who so generously created the much-talked about, much-forwarded beautiful Book Launch announcement. She is a dear and loyal friend.
3. My son and his best friend, Gaby, who gave up their entire day AND the Super Bowl to be videographers, shooting video essays on beauty at my party. You both are becoming incredible young men.
5. Brenda Gurung, the world's best Community Relations Manager at my local Barnes & Noble, who said: Justina, let me host your Book Launch Party; you just show up. So the woman created a map collage as a backdrop.

6. My daughter who is the best meeter-and-greeter. Ever. And best daughter ever.
7. Miss Erin whose mom drove her 5.5 hours to surprise me at the party! I cried when I saw her!

8. All my friends who turned out for the party despite the Super Bowl--from Anita at the post office whose lips have kissed every manuscript that I've mailed (good luck lips, I'm telling you!) to my StrataGem pals to my sister who tore herself away from studying for finals. And especially my Diviners critique group, readergirlz, and Kim Swift (the famous gamer girl!) who baked and baked and baked to feed everyone at the party. A special thanks to Jackie Parker whose amazing cinnamon rolls save me after a dire energy lull.

Despite the snow, despite the falling snow, hope is waiting to bloom.
Friday, February 6, 2009
North of Beautiful Blog Stop: Teen Book Review
If you want to dish about Beauty and the Neurotic Woman (oh, does that sound like me and you?), then check in next week when I visit Beauty Bloggers and a few Booksters.
For today, I drop in on the ever-popular, ever-insightful Jocelyn over at Teen Book Review. Answer the question Jocelyn poses on today's blog, and you can win yourself an autographed copy of North of Beautiful.
Here's a sneak peek at our chat:
Jocelyn: Travel (one of my favorite things!) is also important in this novel. What do you think makes travel an important experience, in general?
Justina: Traveling is a crash course on life: logistics (how do I get from here to there?), survival (are you going to starve or try the fish eyes?), resilience (can I can trek for another kilometer?), resourcefulness (okaaaay…so the train was canceled. Now what?), tolerance (got when they tell me I’m fat, it’s actually a compliment!).
For the full interview, check out Friday: Phenomenal Woman

North of Beautiful is officially out this week, and I want to pay homage to my favorite poem that inspired the book. This was given to me by my friend, Si Oyama, one March for National Women's History Month. And now I give it to you, the phenomenal women who read my words.
Pretty women wonder where my secret lies.
I'm not cute or built to suit a fashion model's size
But when I start to tell them,
They think I'm telling lies.
I say,
It's in the reach of my arms
The span of my hips,
The stride of my step,
The curl of my lips.
I'm a woman
Phenomenal woman,
That's me.
I walk into a room
Just as cool as you please,
And to a man,
The fellows stand or
Fall down on their knees.
Then they swarm around me,
A hive of honey bees.
I say,
It's the fire in my eyes,
And the flash of my teeth,
The swing in my waist,
And the joy in my feet.
I'm a woman
Phenomenal woman,
That's me.
Men themselves have wondered
What they see in me.
They try so much
But they can't touch
My inner mystery.
When I try to show them
They say they still can't see.
I say,
It's in the arch of my back,
The sun of my smile,
The ride of my breasts,
The grace of my style.
I'm a woman
Phenomenal woman,
That's me.
Now you understand
Just why my head's not bowed.
I don't shout or jump about
Or have to talk real loud.
When you see me passing
It ought to make you proud.
I say,
It's in the click of my heels,
The bend of my hair,
the palm of my hand,
The need of my care,
'Cause I'm a woman
Phenomenal woman,
That's me.
Maya Angelou
Thursday, February 5, 2009
North of Beautiful Blog Stop: Bibliophile
Here's a tidbit from our chat:
Sarah: Did you start geocaching before it became one of Jacob's hobbies, or did it move from the book into the rest of your life?
Justina: Years ago, I had read about geocaching—high tech treasure hunting using a GPS—in an article. It later occurred to me that geocaching could be symbolic of Terra’s controlling mapmaker of a father who tries to box her into a grid and the boy who uses maps to break open her world. So in the name of research, I bought a GPS, created an account at, and hauled my kids on an expedition. We were hooked!
To read the whole interview, please visit Jennifer's blog at
Feb 6, Friday
Teen Book Review with Jocelyn Pearce
Wednesday, February 4, 2009
North of Beautiful Blog Stop: Archimedes Forgets
Be the first to answer Sarah's posted question on Archimedes Forgets, and you'll win an autographed copy of North of Beautiful.
Here's a tidbit from our chat:
Sarah: Did you start geocaching before it became one of Jacob's hobbies, or did it move from the book into the rest of your life?
Justina: Years ago, I had read about geocaching—high tech treasure hunting using a GPS—in an article. It later occurred to me that geocaching could be symbolic of Terra’s controlling mapmaker of a father who tries to box her into a grid and the boy who uses maps to break open her world. So in the name of research, I bought a GPS, created an account at, and hauled my kids on an expedition. We were hooked!
To read the whole interview, please visit Sarah's blog at
Feb 5, Thursday
Bibliophile with Jennifer Rothschild
Feb 6, Friday
Teen Book Review with Jocelyn Pearce
Tuesday, February 3, 2009
Another Book Giveaway: Debbi Florence
Anyway, this just in from Debbi:
"And as a bonus, I'm holding a drawing on my blog - Comment on the post announcing my interview with Justina and you might win a signed copy of NORTH OF BEAUTIFUL! Drawing takes place on February 12 and I'll announce the winner on my blog on February 13th. Good luck!"
Today I am so grateful for life coincidences that bring us together in the most unexpected of places. Kindred spirits are everywhere!
Book Chic: An Author's Best Friend
For instance, Book Chic went around his town to take pix of his favorite authors' books (and to remerchandise some to face out positions). Love that! He found NORTH OF BEAUTIFUL and GIRL OVERBOARD at Barnes & Noble.
And then there's Melissa Walker, readergirlz diva and co-founder of who's been on the book look out for me.
North of Beautiful Blog Stop: Shelf Elf

New postergirl for readergirlz, Shelf Elf, is hosting me on the second stop of my North of Beautiful Book Blog tour. Be the first to answer Shelf Elf's posted question, and you'll win an autographed copy of North of Beautiful.
Here's a tidbit from our chat:
Shelf Elf: Your novel is a bit like Terra's artwork, since it is almost a "story-collage" of rich and surprising subjects: port-wine stains, geocaching, the art of coffee tasting, cartography and international adoption. I'm interested to understand how you began to make a story out of all of those topics.
Justina: North of Beautiful is a patchwork quilt of several epic journeys. (Read: several manuscripts that never came to fruition.) So much research I’ve done over the years for other potential stories finally made it into a book! For instance, I had been working on a non-fiction book eight years ago and interviewed the coffee buyer for Starbucks, Mary Williams.
To read the whole interview, please visit Shelf Elf's blog at
Feb 4, Wednesday
Archimedes Forgets with Sarah Rettger
Feb 5, Thursday
Bibliophile with Jennifer Rothschild
Feb 6, Friday
Teen Book Review with Jocelyn Pearce
Monday, February 2, 2009
North of Beautiful & President Obama!

Self-absorption is never a pretty sight. However.
1. President Obama wrote my son a personal letter. (Yes, he did.)
2. My politico friends--you know who you are--all have photos of themselves with our president. Gallivanting off to DC for the Inauguration. Yadda, yadda, yadda.
Ahem. Just look who is NEXT to the President here on the B&N Home Page. Hmmmm... Could that be Terra?
~justina who is now weaning herself slowly away from the computer where she has been posted since her favorite B&Nie (beanie?), Brenda Gurung (CRM of mucho amazingness and event planner extraordinaire of memorable book parties), phoned her in the wee early hours and ordered her to said PC. She realizes this book-absorption is really not becoming. Or healthy. BUT says that this is infinitely healthier and more pleasant than watching the stock ticker.
North of Beautiful: Booklist Starred Review!
This just in from Booklist:
(**visualize a cute little star right here**) Headley has written an exquisite book that explores the difference between physical and true beauty...She uses Terra's artistic medium, collage, as a literary device to create layer upon layer of experiences and insights into a finely crafted, artfully written journey of self-discovery, self actualization, and love. With every carefully chosen word, well-crafted sentence, and fully developed character, Headley maps out a wholly satsifying reading experience that takes readers from terra nullis to terra firma.
Thanks to my editor, Alvina Ling, for calling me personally with the news. Love that woman.
North of Beautiful: On the B&N Home Page!

I can't believe it! NORTH OF BEAUTIFUL is on Barnes & Noble's home page scroll. Next to John Grisham and The Boss! Whoa.
My thanks to the B&N and Little, Brown team who made this happen.
North of Beautiful Blog Tour: Mitali's Fire Escape

Here's a tidbit from our chat:
Mitali: As the mother of teen boys who don’t often see an Asian-American as the “it” guy in pop culture, I’m grateful that you created such a hunk in Jacob.
Justina: One of my missions as a writer was to create a hunk who happened to be Asian! That was a gift for my two brothers and my son…and all the Asian-American dudes out there who need to see guys like themselves as cool. Heartdroppingly cool. Devastatingly cool. It makes me feel great that readers of all ages are emailing me: “I. Am. So. In. Love. With. Jacob.” Mission accomplished!
To read the whole interview, please visit Mitali's blog at
Feb 3, Tuesday
Shelf Elf with Kerry Miller
Feb 4, Wednesday
Archimedes Forgets with Sarah Rettger
Feb 5, Thursday
Bibliophile with Jennifer Rothschild
Feb 6, Friday
Teen Book Review with Jocelyn Pearce
Sunday, February 1, 2009
Please Sign the NORTH OF BEAUTIFUL Guest Book HERE
Thanks so much for celebrating the release of my third novel, NORTH OF BEAUTIFUL. I am so excited to share Terra with you and can't wait to hear what you think about her, the book, and Jacob.
Whether you're here at today's official launch party at Barnes & Noble in Bellevue, WA, or at home in your pajamas, THANK YOU for your support. (And thanks for giving up the Super Bowl, to be here instead. THAT is a sign of TRUE friendship and EXCELLENT taste. Ha!)
Please sign into this Guest Book a la Blog.
Much appreciation,
Find Beauty Challenge
I made a pledge to tie all my books to community service somehow. honor of North of Beautiful's imminent release...I give you a sneak peek at the NORTH OF BEAUTIFUL: FIND BEAUTY CHALLENGE!
Tell the world what you find to be Truly Beautiful! Just upload a 90-second video describing what real beauty means to you...and you could win yourself an iTouch! PLUS, for every uploaded video, I'll donate $10 (up to $1,000) to Global Surgical Outreach, an amazing group that helps kids with cleft lips and palates in the third world.
Here's what to do:
1. Record a 90-second video essay about what's truly beautiful to you!
2. Upload the video onto YouTube.
3. Then...send a link to (Martha Brockenbrough--tech guru and my friend of much wonderosity--will link your video to the North of Beautiful YouTube channel.)
4. Tell all your friends to RATE your video.
1) The Top 5 videos will be chosen by YOU based on the most views and highest ratings. So be sure to tell all your friends to vote for you! Any ties will be broken by the North of Beautiful team.
2) The North of Beautiful team will score the five finalists on A) 40 percent emotional appeal (humor, pull-on-the-heartstrings, incites activism, etc.); B) 40 percent content (clean, widespread appeal across audiences, plot – if applicable, scriptwriting – if applicable); and C) 20 percent professionalism (smooth transitions, stable video, non-jarring editing cuts, constant audio levels).
3) All videos must contain original content. Your entry indicates you understand this and have the legal rights to distribute your video.
4) Any videos deemed inappropriate by the North of Beautiful team will be removed. Please don't upload anything that wouldn't, say, be shown on television during prime-time hours, or anything you wouldn't want to watch with your first-grade teacher. So no nudity, profanity, or racial slurs.
5) The contest will run from 12:01 a.m. Feb. 1, 2009 until 11:59 p.m. Mar. 30, 2009. Anything submitted before or after the deadline can't be considered.
6) Justina will donate $10 for every uploaded video (for a maximum of $1,000) to Global Surgical Outreach to help fund facial surgeries for kids in the third world.
7) The Find Beauty Challenge is open to people over 14.