Thursday, July 9, 2009

Justina on The Talking Potatoes!

And now...I bring you my favorite interview of all. My "celebrity" spot on...The Talking Potatoes, a book blog run by two avid readers, both under four feet tall!


  1. Very cool! Someday when I am a very famous writer, if I am ever a very famous writer, I'll know it is official when Garrison Keiller reads a piece of my work aloud and the Talking Potatoes interview me.

    You are deservedly, WAY ahead on this. Fun to hear your speeches at SCBWI WWA before and look forward to more of your work. Cheers.

    PS I don't need the fame, just Garrison Keiller and the Talking Potatoes. Is that too much to ask?

  2. Hahaha - wow - that's so awesome! Super cool interview, & The Talking Potatoes are adorable!

  3. This is ADORABLE! Taking it over to rgz. :~)

  4. Oh my gosh, that's the cutest thing ever. I love the Talking Potatoes!
