Saturday, August 21, 2010

Hiking Buddy

Meet Teddy, my new hiking buddy. He's up for anything...even an early morning start time. No grumbling, just panting, as we ran through Cougar Mountain. (Okay, and Mindy is a pretty fabulous hiking buddy, too.)

1 comment:

  1. Dear Justina,
    Hello! I hope you are enjoying the fall. We have just begun a new school year and the excitement of the students always makes me feel full of optimism and hope for a year of wonderful surprises.

    Speaking of surprises, I was hoping you had a chance to think about your visit to Charlotte Country Day School. I remember you had to reschedule because of your move across the ocean. Mr. Brian Wise, our director of diversity, is still excited to have an event and let the students hear from you and discuss your books. Would the fall or spring work better for you? We have had several administrative changes since we talked the last time. We now have a new Head of School, Mr. Mark Reed, and a new Head of Middle School, Mr. Warren Sepkowitz. They would also enjoy a chance to meet you. Please let me or Brian know if you travel schedule will permit you to visit us this year. Brian’s address is

    Warm Regards,

    Megan P. Fink
    CCDS Librarian
