Monday, August 11, 2008

Real, At Last!

Never mind signing the book contract. Or holding the bound book after months (heck, years!) of writing and rewriting. Never mind seeing it in bookstores to make you realize, oh my goodness! My words are in print!

Nothing signals that you're a bonafide author than having your picture taken by Sonya Sones, wonderful novelist, former film editor, and fabulous photographer.

When I was in LA a week ago, Little Willow and I filmed a bunch of YA authors for our new endeavor: rgz TV. A ton of them have Hollywood backgrounds, which made it more nervewracking for ME than for the authors, I'm sure.
You can catch the first of our interviews up on Watch Paula Yoo ripping on her violin with sass and verve. And Sonya--witty, charming, gorgeous--giving the inside scoop on her latest book. And then she turns her camera on all of us.

It's nothing but fun at readergirlz! Especially when I'm editing the footage for these videos and giggling at all the (lame) special effects I'm (lamely) using.

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